Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Small Steps

My husband and I are in the process of trying to get our condo/townhome on the market to be sold, hopefully. After many years of wanting to do so and dragging our feet, we finally have the right motivation: our boy. Every boy deserves a back yard to explore and space to run around. At the moment, we have neither. What a relief it is now to be in the final steps toward freedom from this place!

Our son is a magnificent motivator in so many other realms as well. He is a huge reason why I wanted to write this blog, in fact. I want to share many of the concerns and dilemmas that keep me up at night, topics that often affect the world in which our boy will grow up. I believe that if enough people engage in the conversation of change, whether here or elsewhere, we can make a difference.

Please stay tuned...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

First Entry

Whew. Here I am, writing my first entry. I decided at about 5:30 AM this morning after an hour-and-a-half-long unwelcome brainstorm that I "needed" to start a blog. I had, after all, come up with a clever title (in my humble opinion). I had been wishing during that entire fitful squall that my brain had been equipped with a breaker box so that I could simply switch off the supply to the region responsible for producing such magnificent ideas so that I could return to my sleep. It would also prove to be a valuable asset if, at any time, one such region became overloaded with stimuli and a breaker would automatically flip to save my sanity until I decided to turn it back on again. Oh, how I wish...